Data Driven Solutions for Credit Reporting [VIDEO]

Credit reporting agencies use identity resolution and matching to figure out what really belongs to your credit profile. It’s not as simple as just taking a social security number and saying, “These are the purchases you’ve made.”

Another example that impacts us all on a day to day basis, whether we realize it or not, has to do with credit reporting agencies, CRAs. They use identity resolution and matching to figure out what really belongs to your credit profile. It’s not as simple as just taking a Social Security number and saying, “These are the purchases you’ve made.” It’s actually much more complicated than that. So, it’s something that affects our lives in many different ways.

We’ve worked with one client in particular that’s dealt with millions of customers and their relationship to those credit bureaus. Analyzing how they’ve been affected over time, how problems are addressed, and helping them to better understand the sort of feedback in customer reviews that come through so that customers can have better service in dealing with their credit bureaus. Have their issues and problems addressed because that’s an important part of their life. Affecting whether or not they get a home loan or a car loan and how their student loans work out is essential to them.

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